Indian Paintings

Self-Portrait by Rabindranath Tagore - Famous Indian Art - Handmade Oil Painting on Canvas

from $220.00

While Rabindranath Tagore started making drawings and scribbles as illustrations for his verse and poems, he only began taking up painting more seriously at the age of 68. During the late years of his life and career as an artist, he made countless sketches and paintings, one of them is this Self-Portrait, which became as one of the most celebrated paintings in modern and contemporary Indian art. His style is simple, raw and rough, characterized by bold forms and rhythms. In this self-portrait, the artist depicts himself as an old, bearded artist, a man full of wisdom and knowledge. A rare portrait of a genius.

This is an image of the famous artwork. We will hand paint a beautiful reproduction of this masterpiece in the size below.

Size: 48 (h) x 38 cm (w)
19 in (h) x 15 in (w)

(Custom Sizes Available. Contact Us)

Support the Artist - Love Art

Material: Oil Paint on Canvas

- Satisfaction Guarantee
- FREE Worldwide Shipping
- Hand Made by Talented Artist
- Not a Print
- High Quality

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